What is a pro-tools session Q+A?

We are going to sit around a table with the studio session opened and visible for the audience, and your questions will carry the conversation. If you want to see things soloed or certain parts singled out and explained, simply ask us! This is your chance to ask us anything about the writing or recording process of Parallax II.

Does BTBAM have anything to do with the actual concert tickets?

No, please contact your local venue directly with any ticket questions. This site is strictly for VIP upgrades.

Will a VIP ticket get me in the show?

No, this is just a VIP package in addition to your already purchased show ticket.

The show I want to attend is sold out, but the VIP isnt. Can I still get a VIP package?

Unfortunately, no. You need to have a show ticket in order to purchase a VIP ticket. We won’t be shipping out VIP packages as they are exclusively for people who attend a show, so if the show is sold out then unfortunately you’ve missed out.

What time should I show up?

Please arrive early and be ready to start the check-in process approximately 1 hour before the scheduled door times. Once everybody is in the venue, we will run the Q+A before finishing the event with a group picture. Venue permitting, all VIP patrons will be allowed to stay in the venue for early access to merchandise. If guests are asked to leave before the official doors time, then anyone who attended the VIP event will be moved to the front of the line for first access.

Where can I access the group photo?

Please check back to this site the day after your event and we will have a hi-res copy of the photo available for download at this url-

Will I receive a physical VIP ticket in the mail?

No, you will check in to the event using the name and order # from your confirmation email.

I can no longer attend, can I transfer my VIP package to a friend?

Of course, reach out to us through the contact page on this site and we will facilitate the name change for you.

I know we get a signed poster, but can I bring in a few things of my own to get signed?

Unfortunately no. This is a Q+A and we’d prefer to leave as much time as possible for questions rather than facilitating an autograph session. You will receive your package from a member of our staff, so unless you want him to sign your items, we appreciate you respecting this not being a one on one event.

Will I be able to leave the club after VIP to take things back to my car?

That will be dependent on each individual venue. We will not have control over their re-entry policies.

How will I receive my items?

Go to the merchandise booth at any point throughout the night. Tell our friend Chuck that you are there to pick up your package and present him with an ID or order #.

I have no way to listen to this cd, how do I get the digital version?

There will be a sticker on the back of the CD with a QR and download code. Scan that and go to the link provided where you will input the download code.

Is this the same as the VIP ticket option at my local venue?

No. This website is the only place to buy a ticket for these VIP events. We are totally separate from the show ticketing, so anything labeled as VIP on your venue’s ticketing page would be a venue specific upgrade, rather than a BTBAM VIP package.

I forgot to pick up my items, youll mail them to me, right?

Probably not. Understandably, there will be situations that arise, so please feel free to reach out via the contact section of this site and we can try to work something out. However, if you simply forgot about picking up your items you may be out of luck. We are doing this completely in house while on the road, so shipping out packages tends to not be the simplest of tasks.

But seriously, I forgot to pick up my items so youre going to need to mail them to me.

Once again, probably not. We will send out a reminder email the week of your event and beyond that, it’s on you.